Mara Celebration 750ml

KSh 5,200

Every journey begins with a single step. Kenya took its first step 50 years ago. Every step has brought with it moments of joy, moments of elation, moments of hope, moments of creation, contemplation and here we are many moments gone by. Mara Celebration – an ode to our history a tribute to our heritage a memento our evolvement – celebrating Kenyan independence. This is full balanced, yeasty complexity synonymous with a wine made in this style. The wine retains its fresh racy zestiness that is a result of crisp acidity and delicate fruit.


Every journey begins with a single step. Kenya took its first step 50 years ago. Every step has brought with it moments of joy, moments of elation, moments of hope, moments of creation, contemplation and here we are many moments gone by. Mara Celebration – an ode to our history a tribute to our heritage a memento our evolvement – celebrating Kenyan independence. This is full balanced, yeasty complexity synonymous with a wine made in this style. The wine retains its fresh racy zestiness that is a result of crisp acidity and delicate fruit.

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